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Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Humble Mung Bean Soup

Before the TCM retail stores closed, I stocked up on packets of herbal teas. However, it turns out that The Husband does not think much of herbal teas. The Husband swears by green bean soup. So, all the mung beans I had stocked up to grow taugeh with, are now going into green bean soup.

Green bean soup does wonders for The Husband's pimples. I have always wondered why. So, I did a bit of a google today. It turns out that mung beans have vitexin and isovitexin. These have wide range of pharmacological effects, including but not limited to anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperalgesic, and neuroprotective effects. See HERE.

The anti-cancer effects are interesting. I found another study that found that vitexins induce cell apoptosis (cell death of old cells) and in so doing, they suppress tumour growth. See HERE. For The Husband's pimples, I think it has mostly to do with its anti-inflammatory properties.

Besides, mung bean soup with Job's tears (or Coix lacryma-jobi) tastes good!

TCM retail shops should be considered essential services. If all fresh food runs out, dried food is still food!

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