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Friday, November 13, 2020

Fermentation Crock

Inspired by liziqi HERE and dianxi xiaoge HERE, I decided to get a fermentation crock to make my own pickled vegetables. I have also been influenced by M, whose family makes pickled vegetables regularly in Myanmar. 

The air tight seal in these fermentation crocks is ensured by a moat of water around the lid. I had never dared to use these jars because I feared that mosquitoes would breed in that moat. Now, I have figured out a workaround. I use a strong brine solution instead, for the moat. 

The moat of water prevents oxygen from getting in (which is important in anaerobic fermentation). The same moat of water allows fermentation gases to escape. It is a really ingenious design. I am so impressed by the wisdom handed down to us from ancient Chinese cultures. How did people figure out this design!?

The Husband never liked my pickled vegetables. So, I was alone in eating them. This time, with guidance from liziqi and dianxi xiao ge, I hope that my pickles will taste better. The Husband agrees to eat this lot because of the probiotics. 

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