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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Figuring Out the Gill Mask

I am not sure why it is easier to breathe through The Gill. Is it because it forces us to aspirate through an area 1/6 the size of a surgical mask? Pressure is a function of force divided by area. Our lungs can only exert so much force. If lung force has to breathe through the whole surgical mask, the pressure of aspiration on each sq mm of mask is lesser. If lung force has to breathe through an area 1/6 of the whole surgical mask, the pressure of aspiration on each sq mm of mask is 6 times higher. 

Air is better aspirated through The Gill thus.

I am not sure of this, though. I will be checking with the sciencey folks on this.

For normal wear to places that are hot, humid, well-ventilated with good social distancing, I have replaced the surgical mask cut out with 4 ply nappy liner. I wash and dry the nappy liners first, though.

Postscript: The Son has pronounced my explanation above poppycock.

The Gill forces us to breathe through a smaller surface area.

The filter is protected by an outer shell with large holes.

1 nappy liner can make 8 4-ply nappy liner inserts for The Gill.

I have pre-cut surgical masks and nappy liners for the whole family. Surgical mask cut outs will be used in air-conditioned environments. Nappy liners will be used for hot, humid, uncrowded spaces.

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