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Friday, January 1, 2021

Body Sculpting

Drop Dead

In the past few months, we received news of friends who simply dropped dead in their 50s. One died whilst biking. Another died whilst jogging. Neither man was overweight. In fact, these were men who believed in mind over body, when indulging in physical pursuits. I think the problem lies therein. When you are half a century old, your arteries are no longer as supple as they used to be, especially in men. Women have the hormone oestrogen to keep our body tissues soft and our arteries supple (until menopause). At menopause, the advantages conferred by the hormone oestrogen disappear as oestrogen levels drop. So, if a man pushes his body too hard, he can go into cardiac arrest, and quite literally drop dead.

2 Elderly Couples

Then, we went to visit 2 different elderly couples. One couple was in their 80s. The other was a decade older, in their 90s. The couple in their 80s were both in wheelchairs (each with their own dedicated domestic helper in attendance). Both had memory loss and were barely lucid. They live in a semi-detached house along Bukit Timah Rd. 

The other couple live in a 5 room HDB flat. They maintain their own flat spick and span, cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floors. They even do their own toilets. Both are cheerful, humorous and full of joie de vivre.

The lesson I drew from this is: use it or lose it. When housework or life circumstances forces you to move about and stay active, your brain stays active and you maintain muscle mass. When my time comes, I hope to downsize and do without a helper. From today onwards, I resolve to make my own body my canvas. This year's research will be on physical exercise and musculature. I will make an effort to strengthen target muscles all over the body with strength training. I will also stretch daily to maintain flexibility.

This is no longer in order to look good. I need to start today in order to build a strong foundation for staying physically strong well into my 90s. Physical strength also impacts mental strength. Stuck in a wheelchair and served hand and foot, one's mental faculties deteriorate very quickly. On the surface, it may look like a blessing to be served. In truth, what others do for you, you will quickly unlearn to do for yourself.

The lazier you are, the faster you age.

Looking Like In Their 30s

We also met up with a couple in their 50s. 1 of them is older than we. They have strong and well-toned bodies, attractive tans, flat tummies. They moved with vitality and were mentally sharp. These 2 are capable of cycling 40 kms a day. They eat well. They sleep well. They look relaxed and joyful. 

I also know other 50 year olds whose brains have slowed down considerably, and whose knees creak when they climb the stairs.

I now have a goal to work towards. Aging comes with a great deal of indignity. One way to make sure that one lives a dignified retirement is to start now to maintain muscle mass and build strength. It is not just about looking young. It is about staying strong and living well.

Body Sculpting 

So, this year, I will be doing body sculpting consciously.


Rachel Tan said...

Having lived in a small landed property for 4 years, I have somewhat come to conclude that it I can't live in a landed property without a helper. And I also think it may not be practical to climb stairs when one is old. Unlike you, I don't enjoy gardening. My helper does as it reminds her of home.

And for whatever reason, perhaps it is due to the size of a house and the sheer number of things that can spoil - whether it be lights, ceiling fans, sinks/taps, aircons, scratch on wall or floor, or even leaks etc, I am finding that every other month, something or other needs attention. It may not be costly, but it is troublesome. I guess safter a while we learn to live with some imperfections haha.

However, houses are great for entertainment, and for every member of the family to have their own space. That said, I find myself shouting a lot, even to get kids to come down for dinner. I end up whatsapping nowadays. I still feel it was less distant and more communicative living in a smaller flat. I guess with Covid, we don't have people over as often either.

I think it is a lifestyle choice at the end of the day. And I am a city centre person; I like to be able to walk to conveniences. So perhaps I may retire in a much smaller and more manageable area in future.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

Yes yes... once the grandchildren are grown, I am thinking that I will downsize. Right now, we all have our personal space and all of us enjoy that immensely. In this property, I cannot do without a helper... and when the grandkids arrive, or the elderly become bedridden, we will probably need 1 more.

Rachel Tan said...

Oh wow your children and their spouses and kids will live with you?
I'm not sure if I will encourage mine to, or that my kids would wanna live with me..haha. that's still a long way off for me.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

Oh no... they don't live with me. They don't intend to either, and I don't encourage it. However, we are close. So, I reckon that I will be providing a great deal of childcare support. Due to the genetic line on our side and the genetic lines of my children's partners, my grandchildren will likely be gifted autistics... at least some of them will be. I am likely to be the family go to resource for this, for obvious reasons. Hahahaha!

Rachel Tan said...

I personally think it is difficult enough to make a marriage work, hence it's best to give the kids their own space to figure it out with their spouses. The same goes for raising children - some people have very strong views about raising their own children, or remaining full time in the workforce. There is only so much we can plan - man proposes, God disposes.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

You are most wise, indeed. However, I cannot refuse to help, when asked... and my kids do want my help.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

If I realise that they do not want my help, then it is all good too. I won't need to give up my 2nd career. Then, I can quickly downsize. However, I am very particular about boundaries and personal space. As a result (and ironically so) my children remain close and want my involvement. I think I need more personal space than they do!!