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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Good Days and Bad Days

The names in the Telegram chat above have been changed. Like in every job, mine comes with good days and bad days. On good days, I see mothers apply and even innovate upon what I taught them. Phillip (not his real name) was sloppy, bad-tempered and dreamy. I taught his mom a few parenting strategies and he has now become careful in his work, patient with his friends and attentive in class. The mom is applying the same strategies to other subjects, and they are getting results in Chinese too.

I have bad days too. Some moms learn the strategies but they cannot apply because they get angry and frustrated very quickly. Then, the child does not improve. The child gets scolded, punished and disciplined time and again. It does not help. These negative strategies do not motivate. I not only end up seeing an unchanged child, I have to pour a lot of effort into calming down an emotional mother.

On good days, I think that my job is a blast. I cannot express the joy I feel to see a child change from rebellious to cooperative and motivated. On bad days, I wonder why I even bother. These are other people's children after all. Just retire lah...


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