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Monday, March 2, 2020

"Paper" Generals

The Son came home and said that his unit has been rostered to do contact tracing. Quite literally, an army of NS boys are doing the tedious work of calling people on leave of absence to check on their whereabouts. An army has been deployed to protect Singaporeans from Covid19. Without these NS boys, I doubt we are able to do contact tracing as thoroughly as we have been doing. Without these NS boys, there would already be community spread of Covid19 no matter how hard nurses and doctors work.

Singaporeans like to belittle NS and insult "paper" generals. People like Chan Chun Sing, Tan Chuan Jin, Desmond Kuek and Neo Kian Hong are regularly insulted online by people whose insults reflect their own small-minded idiocy. These "paper" generals all maintain a dignified silence and stoically get on with their work.

Saw Phaik Hwa (not a General) broke the SMRT.

It was Generals and those who follow Generals who voluntarily stepped into the burning fires to rescue SMRT for Singaporeans. It was Generals and those who follow Generals who worked through the nights to repair and renew a sick and dying railway system. Of course, the government should be credited for both contact tracing and SMRT renewal. It is true that the government disbursed funds to heal the railway system. It is ALSO true that it is military men who pulled the all nighters to make sure those funds are put to good use. They are military officers, not Warren Buffett. Did any really expect that these military men also fund the railway renewal projects?

The fact is, when Singapore is in danger, the government deploys not only the military but also the ex-military. Military (ex- and present) personnel possess the ethos of duty and responsibility above self. Only the military officers quietly and stoically work through every danger and crisis even as Singaporeans pelt their immaculate reputations with insults.

Military men are idealistic, naive and stupid. It is often they, who stand between Singaporeans and death, whether death by Covid19 or death by railway.

The Son went into NS a slight, bookish youth with scant regard for personal hygiene. He has bulked up, has a 6 pack, and rippling forearms. Aiyo! My son is a hunk leh (says his biased Mama). Best of all, The Son now keeps his room spare, tidy and clean... like a military bunker. His body odour has disappeared. His room smells clean. In just a few months, he has absorbed some of that military ethos.

However, I will remember to tell him not to overdo that military ethos. Son, don't be idealistic, naive and stupid. Singaporeans won't thank you. Instead, they will still heap vitriol on you even if you successfully shield them from death. The government will smell of roses. You will smell of death and dung.


Yaya Snaps said...

I just discovered that I'm still among your 'followers' :) Always interested in learning what you're doing and what your opinions are. Your current virus information is very helpful, now if I just had access to the ingredient you use to make the soup that increases white blood cells. The virus is already in Florida, 2 cases in counties right above the one where I live. I hadn't read that the virus doesn't do well in a hot/humid for the first time I'm hoping our weather will change from cold to hot and humid :) I've added you to my list of people I want to continue to keep up with. Somewhere during all the blogger changes I managed to lose my 'followers' feature. You and your family stay safe, I'm counting on my pharmacist daughter-in-law to give me advice on natural treatments...she did when I had a cold last year. I'm well into my 7th decade which is not a good place to be when any virus is going around.

Petunia Lee said...

Welcome back Theanne!