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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Face Shield

Apparently, the MOH website advisory allows the use of face shields or masks. So, I got me a face shield to protect my eyes. I think I will wear face shield AND mask. On drizzly days, I won't need an umbrella!

This hat provides a good head sauna. My chin was dripping by the time I got home! Phew!


Rachel Tan said...

Where did you purchase from and is the plastic clear enough so that vision is not distorted? I bought a cheapo one and I got dizzy due to the reflection and blurry vision.

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on your blog, while checking out face shields. Clicked around, and FYI for what it's worth, found that those posts that provide recommendations etc are rather informative on some fronts. Kudos!

However just as feedback, many of your posts come across as "humble brag". And there also seem to be a contrived effort to emphasize your autism. Not sure if that's the intent. Many have been diagnosed these days, but to "flaunt" it like a badge of honour? It is neither a badge of dishonour. The condition does not need to be emphasized, over and over and over in all forms and means...the purpose? Your blog, your rules...but then it's for public viewing... so just some feedback. Anyway unlikely will be back here. All the best to you!

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

There IS a contrived effort to emphasize the autism, yes. I don't see it as a badge of honour. As an adult autistic who has been through physical abuse AND periods of suicide ideation and even suicide preparation, I need to show to others that life as an autistic person CAN be good. I am sorry if you have so little self-confidence that you think I am humble bragging simply from reading that an autistic person can be happy... and that autistic adults can and should encourage autistic children...

... and I am amused that you have not the courage to identify yourself having written toxic words.

What a loser!

Rachel Tan said...


Peace, peepe, peace!

Let's exercise some grace :p It costs us nothing.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

@Rachel, I got it off a Shopee shop called... I had to do some sewing and use some velcro to make it fit.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

@Rachel, It tends to get hot and sweaty under the hat but one can breathe better.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

@ anonymous
Another purpose of this blog is also to promote wise living: financial prudence, focus on family, being a loving parent, self-discipline. It reflects more on you that you completely miss the process and hard work that goes into living well, and only see evidence of living in happiness as humble bragging.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

@Rachel... sorry... I don't see a need to be gracious to someone so cowardly that he/she won't put a name to poisonous words.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

@Rachel... I watched Nirvana in Fire 2... twice! Now watching for the 3rd time! Best series this year! Thanks for recommending.

Rachel Tan said...

Glad you liked it! :) Marries the themes of kinship, family ties, tradition, loyalty, love, duty, honour in a tasteful way (not in your face moralistic or preachy). Many fans prefer Nirvana in Fire I (possibly due to the more famous cast), but I personally preferred II. I wailed buckets the first time I watched when Xiao Tingsheng died.

On masks, unfortunately, cloth masks do obstruct breathing. The older people feel is acutely. I do tend to support Singapore companies which may be small, and do not have the will or resources to get all sorts of international certifications. I actually appreciate their mask products so far, which to me, are a different but superior value proposition to cloth masks.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

@Rachel, you mean Gill and Totobo? I do have Totobo masks leftover from the haze They don't fit me well though.I also have a 3M alien mask that is like the Gill Mask. The silicon moulds my face very well but I get pimples after. I got my cloth masks at $2 a piece from Chong Pang Market and the wick perspiration well. I know they don't screen out much but I go to hot humid places with low viral load, good ventilation and plenty of sun so I feel they should suffice.

Gill looks like a good product and Totobo is well known for its quality too.

Rachel Tan said...

The fit of the Gill Mask is easier and better than the Totobobo.

For the Totobobo to fit well, it needs to be cut/molded. Fortunately for me, the children's size Totobobo fits me well enough without needing further adjustments. The price of the Totobobo and their filters is prohibitive - I do not usually recommend it.

Aesthetically, both are errrr... odd-looking and will attract stares/glares.

The problem with cloth masks is not just the breath-ability, but that the already low filtering efficacy drops even further when it is moist/wet, and that is inevitable in Singapore's weather. I am perfectly happy with a cloth mask if I am in an airconditioned office, and am not moving about.

As for surgical masks, I do not know whether the surgical masks that are available in the market now are medical-grade ones. They are still the easiest and most comfortable option. Whether they offer a high level of protection to the wearer, I really cannot tell.

Anyway this mask or face shield thing, is still a new area of trial, error and exploration for most of us, especially if we will have to wear this long term.

I am out walking most days for about 45 min to an hour. Children will be in school for many hours a day when school reopens. I guess we are all experimenting on what works best for each person. Wearing indoors, outdoors, airconditioned, non-airconditioned, 1 hour, 7 hours, lol. Okay I overthink. LOL.

Petunia Lee, PhD said...

No no... I dun think you overthink. I am interested to hear your views and yes... everyone is trying to find their footing too. I wanted to experiment with the face shields because I was worried for my hawkers. Some of them are fat and what if wearing masks all day cause cardiac arrest? A lot of them are also OLD. Ah Yi is already 60 years old. I thought that breathing would be easier, and it is... hopefully, it inspires some exploration.