
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Of Sneezes, Tanks and the Spanish Flu

Remove Mask To Sneeze

Once a week, at Chong Pang Market, I see 1 person remove her mask to sneeze. On 2 occasions, the person removed her mask, turned and sneezed behind her. I pity those people standing within 6 metres behind her, because the aerosol droplets from a sneeze does travel that far. On 1 occasion, the person removed her mask and sneezed right in front of her.

They would rather let others breathe in their droplets of snot, than dirty their own masks. I think there might be a need to educate people to keep their masks on when sneezing.

I am beginning to think it might be a good idea to go out wearing an oxygen tank, and a full faced scuba mask.

Centenarians with Spanish Flu

There aren't many left who were alive during the Spanish flu. All are centenarians. However, in view of the fact that Covid19 tends to be lethal for elderly folks, it is amazing that centenarians seem to breeze through their infection without much problems. On wonders whether having survived the Spanish Flu confers any protection from Covid19.

Was the Spanish Flu a coronavirus, too?


  1. If you'd like more protection than a regular surgical mask or a cloth mask, there are (locally designed) alternatives such as the Gill mask and the Totobobo mask. They are expensive, but the seal is pretty good. This also assumes you are not too concerned with the aesthetics, heehee.

  2. I quite like my cloth mask for my nose. I ordered a face shield to wear with it to protect the eyes.
