
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Cures For Dandruff

When children grow into teenagers and their sebaceous glands start to work overtime, dandruff becomes an issue. There are actually many herbal cures that work on dandruff. Each person in the family has his/her own favourite choice, simply because our skins are all different.

Dandruff is caused by a type of fungi that feeds off sebum (the oil produced by our skin). Herbal cures for dandruff are merely good anti-fungal herbs.

We use anti-fungals even before we get dandruff. When your scalp starts to itch, then dandruff is soon to come.

Rosemary Essential Oil
Place 5 drops of rosemary essential oil into 1 squirt of shampoo. Rub well into the scalp (twice a week) keeps dandruff away very well. This, though, is an expensive method because it has to be homeopathic grade essential oil. We get ours in pharmacies when we travel to Europe. We have rosemary plants in the garden. I also make a rosemary tea and store it in a spray bottle in the fridge. Spray scalp thoroughly 30 minutes before washing hair. 

Ceylon Cinnamon
It has to be Ceylon Cinnamon. The other type of cinnamon is not an anti-fungal herb. I get bags of Ceylon Cinnamon tea off Redmart. I make cinnamon tea and store it in the fridge. Spray scalp thoroughly 30 minutes before washing hair.

Sulphur Soap
Sulphur soap is very drying but it is very effective. This is also a very cheap solution because each bar costs only $0.50 (from ValueDollar), and one bar lasts a long time. Lather your hands well with the soap. Rub the lather well into the scalp. Make sure that you do NOT lather the ends of your hair because sulphur soap is really good at removing skin oils and is very drying for the ends of hair. Sulphur soap does 2 things. It kills the malassezia yeast AND removes its food source. I have an extremely oily scalp at certain times of the month. So, this method is very good for me, then.

Guava Leaf Tea Soap and Cinnamon Tea Soap
Ah Leo is one of the itinerant hawkers in Chong Pang. He goes to different markets in Singapore. You can call him and ask when he will be at a market near you. He sells all sorts of soap. The Husband loves the Guava Leaf Tea soap that Ah Leo sold him. It keeps his scalp from itching without drying it.

This is Ah Leo. 

I was a bit upset with Ah Leo because he grabbed my arm and dragged an exfoliating net over my skin to show me how to use his products. It hurt. Then, he used the same exfoliating net on his own face. After which, he demonstrated on The Husband's face. Same exfoliating net! I was super grossed out and tried to pull The Husband away from that dirty exfoliating net.

Ah Leo sells good products, but the next time I buy from him, I will stay far far out of the reach of his hands!

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