
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Feeling Deprived

I don't know why I have such a busy family. The Husband could absolutely not even leave Singapore during this December holidays. He also cannot leave Singapore during Chinese New Year next year. Even my kids cannot get away. If it is not this internship or that business trip, it is, " I need to pre-do my Math HW for next year because when the year starts, I will be spending nights in the robotics room." This year, The Son is in NS. The Daughter had a business trip to London. The Husband... well... he just had to stay on this island. Not even cross the Causeway.

Normally, I am quite contented to do research, catch up on recipes and prepare for the new year's classes. I read my FB feed and enjoy my friends' holidays vicariously. This year, I must confess that I feel somewhat deprived. I realise that there are people who go on TWO holidays in December. These are working folks! I have not even told you about our retired friends who spend 6 months in South America or fly out to a different city in China every month.

Given The Husband's job, that would be unthinkable.

So, The Husband tried to make things better. He figured that even if we ate out at nice restaurants every day, we would still spend less than a pair of air tickets + holiday accommodation. That was how we ended up at Aoki, eating what is arguably the best chirashidon in Singapore.

Food always makes me feel better, and home is always most comfortable.

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