
Monday, December 31, 2012

Punggol Prawning

Many years ago, I brought Little Boy to Bottle Tree Park in Yishun to catch prawns. For some reason, they were really really difficult to catch so we NEVER went back again. Maybe the line was set at the wrong length. Maybe there were too few prawns in the rather smallish pond. Maybe the hook was too big. I don't know. We caught ONE small prawn in ONE hour.

So, when The Husband's colleagues suggested to go prawning, we went along just to enjoy the company. Certainly not for the prawns we expected NOT to catch. But we caught KILOS of prawns. To be sure, there were very many people but still, some people caught a prawn every 10 minutes or so. It began to get really exciting! After the prawning was done, we were allowed 2 barbeque pits for grilling the prawns. The prawns were so good to eat that I had trouble looking like a lady whilst eating them.

So today, the whole family went prawning.

It costs $18 per rod for an hour OR $33 per rod for 3 hours. We spent 3 hours with 2 rods and took turns. We caught 18 prawns. Alright... alright... I know I can buy kilos of prawns at the market for $66 compared to the 18 we caught. Much of the money paid for the fun I guess. And hey, it was GREAT fun compared to our stint at Bottle Tree Park Yishun where we caught ONE small prawn after ONE hour. That hardly motivated repeat visits. No wonder we never went back!!

Punggol Prawning however gave us enough successes to feel rather eager to go back for more fun. Expensive fun though!!

The ponds here are way larger than those at Bottle Tree Yishun

Our 2 rods.

The prawns we caught in a bag with ice cubes.

The prawns we ate grilled with salt. Very sweet prawns.


  1. Heheh. Petunia, you are so cute - kilos of prawns! :)

  2. I've never tried pawning... because I can so foresee myself catching 1 prawn per hour. Not worth it!
