
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Small Progress

Did you see the tabs above? Those that say ...
(1) About Petunia
(2) Coaching
(3) Seminars
(4) Therapy
(5) Potato Chinese®
(6) Book

The Husband had asked me to write up the content for a website describing the services I would offer. He would then arrange to develop the html files necessary to render my designs and ideas on a dedicated website. I had completed my drafts when I remembered that My Sinfonia had created pages with tabs on her blog to showcase the various aspects of her very productive and creative life. So, I messed around on Blogger.Com trying to figure out how to create multiple pages with tabs.

Lo and behold! I did it!

And I didn't need The Husband's help at all! I wasn't halfway through the design and refinement of the pages when an order came in for 10 books. By this morning, I had sold 23 books. I am so very pleased indeed. Creating a web presence doesn't seem as difficult anymore and selling books online seems quite doable indeed. I had initially believed it would take months to even put up a description of my services... and so I was quite amazed that it could be done in 1 day with Blogger.Com. So many things are so easy these days!

I am keeping my fingers very crossed.


  1. Congratulations! The tabs are looking good! Btw, when I saw the (R) after your name yesterday or was it this morning, I thought something was going on and true enough, Petunia has launched her business ;)

  2. Ah i saw this today.. I wanted to get 1 book as well.. then I thought.. no, too early. I cant do that yet.. I should learn how to change nappies and wake up 5 times at night first. Hehe

  3. Sinfonia - Thanks! I haven't actually launched anything really... This is way before when I had planned to launch. But there has been demand for the services from a few people and this encouraged me to try and put something up. A blogshop isn't very professional... I do still need a dedicated website. I still need to figure out how to do a form for Contacts and Queries so that people dun have to log onto Blogger.Com to leave an order.

  4. Do you want a quick fix to put on your blog while you work on your website? I use for my contact page.

  5. Oh dear, of course I forgot to say.. Congratulations! Wow, you are even thinking about online forms - you are good! :)

  6. Sinfonia - Whoa! Thanks for this! Very useful!!

  7. OKC - Yup! This is my new baby. Gonna quit my part-time job and do this full time. This is way more rewarding. I can actually see people changing before my eyes and it's very very rewarding.

  8. congrats! I wana buy the book too!

  9. wishing you great success...I'm extremely impressed with your blog format! nicely done...and I'm sure all the parents etc. who purchase your book or receive any of your additional services are going to be very pleased!

  10. Whoopie! You're in business babe!

  11. Theanne - Thanks for the kind words!

  12. Ting - Welcome home!! Your photos are lovely!!

  13. Wen-Ai - I've logged your order into my spreadsheet.

  14. Hey babes! Very noice (Aussie accent)!!! I love the illustrations, and the new tabs on your blog. Very very noice!
