
Friday, March 2, 2012

A Sigh of Relief

I still remember a scrawny little girl with rabbit teeth and a perpetually snotty nose... trying her best to explain to me that she had done her very best in her exams. It was a somewhat depressing moment because Teacher had just finished explaining to me that being able to read Mr Men books were nothing because all the other P1 classmates were at Roald Dahl. I didn't even know whom Roald Dahl was but when I found his books in the library, I was very depressed. They looked very difficult for a Primary 1 child.

Oh well... in a blink of an eye she grew up into a tall willowy young lady with all the curves where curves should be, and of course, minus the perpetually snotty nose. Her teeth had also sorted themselves out nicely.

At about the time she grew up, she found herself a boyfriend. I was livid. A boyfriend in JC requires the same level of commitment as an H3 A level paper (i.e., S paper) which simply means far less time for mugging.  She did badly at almost every exam of note in Junior College... and I blamed it on her BOYFRIEND. I even texted the said BOYFRIEND to tell him to leave my daughter quite alone. I threatened and yelled and sobbed and sulked.

Then I gave up. You can't reason with 2 people in love because they've stopped thinking.

After her A level exams, I talked to her seriously and said "You can't change anything now. What's done is done. If you go to school on 2nd March 2012 to collect your results and you have not done well, I want you to come home immediately. We still love you. Whatever you do, don't go anywhere near an HDB flat."

I was guarding against that slight possibility that she might go jump off some tall building.

I received a call at 4-ish. A plaintive voice reminiscent of a snotty nosed scrawny girl told me that she had had straight Bs... all 8. So, I kept as much emotion out of my voice as possible and told her to come home. Then there was a giggle... and a male voice yelling excitedly in the background (must have been the BOYFRIEND). It turned out that she had gotten straight A's.

Next thing is to get her married. If the BOYFRIEND is reading this... ummmm... you know what to do.


  1. Congratulations again Petunia and The Daughter. I'm so so happy for the both of you!

  2. a bit early to get her married off right? are you really wishing it? ;)

  3. OKC - Thank you so much for sharing our joy!!

  4. Sinfonia - I would gain a son... and what a son!!

  5. You're a very special Mother Petunia and your daughter too is very special...of course she had all "As"! Now about that young man.....!!!!!

    I believe I've found a frame at the local thrift store that will do honor to my bamboo painting! My project for today is to get my large paintings framed (I have 3)...I will send you a photo when it's safely hanging on my wall!

    Happy weekend to you and the family!

  6. Been a silent reader but couldn't resist congratulating your daughter's wonderful results! So happy for her and the family :)

  7. Theanne - I do look forward to that photo!!

  8. Aww Petunia....very happy for you :) and for your DD.

    Well when I was dating the hubby, he left me to study in Oxford 2 months before the A levels. Everyone thought I might fail. Thank God things worked out.

  9. errr.. my P1 DS is reading Mr Men, and delights in them. He's not ready to move to Roald Dahl as yet.

    I shan't fret too much about it. Trying.

  10. Your daughter has done so well and you, my dear friend, has done extremely well in bringing her up! Congratulations to you both!

  11. Rachel - It's ok lah... ya got 6 years...

  12. Jasmine - Thank you so much for reading and for your congratulations.

  13. Ting - I had some divine help... and so did she, from what we chatted about this morning.

  14. Awesome!!! Glory to the God :-) You are an excellent mother.


  15. COngratulation to your daughter! You have done a great job as a mother!
