
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Back in the days when I still had reason to fear a fate worse than death whilst walking in carparks late at night, I had wanted to invest in a pair of knuckledusters. See here for a demonstration of knuckledusters. A man who can handle himself can do major damage to another with a knuckleduster. One punch from a fist equipped with a knuckleduster can crack skulls. A few well-aimed punches can break legs. But I was (and am) a very petite woman. I thought I needed those knuckledusters to level the playing field should I meet up with an oversexed male intent on making me suffer... well... a fate worse than death.

These days of course, I have little to fear for myself. However, the fear I feel for The Daughter is even worse. I do so wish I could buy her a pair of Womanly Knuckledusters for her protection in situations where I am not there with my garden shears bought specially for emasculating oversexed males who have her in their sights. It doesn't matter how pretty The Daughter really is (though of course, I find her most pretty indeed).... her youth and innocence are attractive on their own. Besides, where perverts are considered, attractiveness means nothing and vulnerability means everything. This explains why perverts target kids. These are vulnerable. There is something about being defenceless that turns a pervert on. Hence, it isn't the prettiest girls that get targeted, it's those that look like easy meat.

Hence, the best protection is to make sure that one is always in the company of someone trusted. And if one is found in a dangerous situation, to do everything possible to make it difficult for the perpetrator.

The Daughter has been offered a short stint of work in Shanghai, China. And I am worried enough that it keeps me up at nights. Yet, I know that I must not keep her in a cage even though she would be safe with me. She isn't going to grow much taller though she might grow fatter, and lose her willowy silhouette... and it'll be a long time before she becomes old enough to no longer attract such attention. I have a good 25 years more of worry in front of me. I became seriously worried when I read this.

We made a trip to Chamelon to look for cheap rings that could enhance a punch. Unfortunately, those that were hard and knobby (enough to do damage to a perpetrator's eyes and jawbone) were made for men and they slipped right off the slim fingers of The Daughter. We came home with nothing.

I am disappointed and still worried. Knuckle dusters are illegal in Singapore. I wonder if they are illegal in China too.


  1. Oh Petunia, you are so cute! Dont worry... Shanghai is mostly pretty safe in the city area. I stayed there for a few months and never had a time I felt unsafe. I suppose take the usual precautions - dont go out too late, dont walk on a very lonely road (hard to find a lonely road in Shanghai - it's so crowded!).. And enjoy Shanghai and the food! :)

  2. OKC - Really ah? She will be staying in a development with a lot of expatriates. As long as within the compound she should be safe... but I worry for when she goes out. Hmmmmm... city area is safer huh? That is something to note. No self-drive holidays in China!!

  3. ah, you can buy 1 at, though i'm not sure its name in chinese. no delivery to s'pore though, she can buy it there. delivery is fast.

    then when she's leaving, just pass the goodwill onto another lady. heh.

  4. Fry - You life saver!! So knuckledusters are not illegal in China hah?

  5. hehehe....nothing is really illegal in china, ya know. lol

    yes, i was ex-police, but tat was....14 years ago. hahahaha....

    if u ask me, i dun recommend knuckledusters, 'cos it takes time to administer + be ready to swing your arm.

    an awesome pepper spray is quite instantaneous, or a taser. and yes, u can get them in too.

    but u can't test out the taser 'cos it'd mean someone would be hurt. for pepper spray, u can at least taste it. hehehehe....

    i've let out lots of tips liao! *WIDE GRIN*

  6. Taser = Ok! One can try on a metal something...

  7. I have been to Shanghai alone several times and found the city safe. My son did a short stint at the Uni there and some of his classmates were female but I didn't hear of any incidents.

    Still, it is better to be safe.

  8. Ting - You're the 2nd person to write that Shanghai is safe. It does make me feel better.

  9. Agree with Fry - pepper spray is "faster". Even with knuckledusters, think will need some practice with swinging a punch. Taser may kill somebody leh...

  10. Sinfonia - Hah? Really ah? Taser is lethal? Ooops! I was gonna order and send it direct to her address in China!! Guess a pepper spray and some Womanly Knuckledusters will have to do... plus some judo tips on how to destabilise an opponent who has already grabbed you from The Boyfriend. By the time we're through, The Daughter is gonna be Angeline Jolie.

  11. Yah, agree with the pepper spray. And instead of knuckledusters, how about sprinting lessons instead? Running away FAST is usually the smarter way...

  12. Wen-Ai: Yeah... that's smart. Run away is best. I am looking at giving her self-defence classes.

  13. Every mother who has a daughter worry like you, from the time they are on their on their own. I use to make my daughter carry this alarm which emit a very loud ear piercing sound,activated by just a tug,attach on bags like a key chain, I carry one myself when I do evening jogging in the park.

  14. Every mother with a daughter worries like you, the moment they are on their own.Used to make my daughter carry this alarm which emit a very loud ear piercing sound. Activated by just a tug & can attach to bags like a key chain. I carry one when I jog in the park in the evening.

  15. TCY - Thanks! She has that already. I got her that when she was 14. Maybe I should just get her an armoured vehicle. Kekekekekeke!

  16. When I had to walk to my car at night in Australia, I would grasp my set of keys (house and car keys) so that when I made a fist, they would poke out between my fingers. So if anyone came at me, I could just jab them and poke their eyes out.... of course, I am thankful, I never had to use it. = )

  17. Ivana - Thanks for this. Will let The Daughter know.
