
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grand Dad Speaks

I was putting Little Boy to bed when I sighed. I wasn't even aware of my own long sigh for it escaped me like air from a deflating balloon. Little Boy sat up and hugged me. Then he said "Why are so worried, Mom?" So I finally confessed my heart to my son. I was sad for him because he had worked so hard and in the recent test, he didn't seem to have gotten anywhere. I was also afraid for him because if he continues to score in the 70s, he might end up in Normal Technical stream, and head to ITE.

Then Little Boy lectured me on my lack of composure. He said...

Mom! This kind of anxiety is like running very fast on the spot. You expend a lot of energy and you get nowhere. We have a plan, don't we? It's a good plan, isn't it? Let's just follow the plan slow and steady, and we will end up where we will end up.

I think very soon, I will have to call my son "Grand Dad".


  1. He is so wise! Don't worry. They always do better during PSLE because the schools don't want the kids to do too well during CA and get too complacent and stop working hard for the real exam!

  2. You have wonderful children and with his analytical skills and language you can have faith that he can And will go far :)

    And oh my, I realized that once I start commenting I can't stop!

  3. Jasmine - Since you've started... why stop?

  4. Haha! Alright I will continue with my comments :)
    I used to be a Primary school teacher and agree to a certain extent to what Blur Ting said...
    Your little boy is definitely a gem! He will do fine. But worrying is a mother's prerogative! I have a 2 year old and already can't stop worrying :)

  5. Little Boy is so sweet and smart... hug hug. Jia you!

  6. young people can be so wise! and you know he's right!

  7. Such a sensible boy. Dont worry indeed too much. The Little Boy will do well in life, even if not in exams. I cannot just bring myself to believe that to be successful in life, you need to succeed in exams. Something is fundamentally wrong there.

  8. What a fine lad! Little Boy is steady, stedfast and sure-footed. He isn't beaten, why should you be?

    Have faith in him. Have even more faith that all things will work out for good according to His plan and purpose.

  9. By George! He punches well above his weight. Spend your time worrying about something else, Petunia

  10. Wen-Ai: He is sweet... not so sure about the smart. He really has to work hard.

  11. OKC - But in Singapore, if you don't do well in school, they don't give you all the yummy things to learn... the dumb get dumber. We're trying not to be dumb.

  12. Rachel - Thank you. My boy inspires confidence. He has this serious and mature way of talking. I sometimes call him "Dad".

  13. Sinfonia - You've seen him right. He's so small and with such a wise head. So cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
