
Monday, December 12, 2011

Sinfonia's Hen Eggs

Little Boy was very serious about his temporary chore of collecting eggs. He would throw on a coat and go out to the chicken house every morning after brushing his teeth. The eggs are HUGE. The photo above has one large egg surrounded by even larger eggs. Look at how small the teaspoon is next to the egg. The eggs are soooooooo fresh that they were still warm when I cooked 'em. The photo below shows how orange the yolks are. They're the most delicious eggs I've ever tasted. I'm thinking of getting The Husband to build me a chicken house.


  1. Petunia...there's nothing like fresh chicken eggs straight from the nest...brown eggs from free range chickens are what I pick at the market (when I buy eggs)! How fortunate you are to have these lovely eggs from Sinfonia's hens!

  2. Theanne - Free range eggs cost a lot in Singapore and aren't easy to find. I don't buy them when we're at home. You're lucky that you can get them at the market where you live.

  3. Chicken house? You'll have to put up with the smell. Our farm is next to a chicken farm and the smell is horrible.

  4. Ting - Smell? Uh oh... Hmmmmmm... Sinfonia's chickens didn't smell?

  5. they dun smell 'cos its cold enough, manure tend to "ferment" very fast in hot humid weather like ours. so..... =P

  6. That's because they are free range. You can't keep chicken at hoe I think , since the avian flu scare.

  7. I think it's the humidity. In our weather they would smell right? Hm... I dont know actually. But I do envy you - those look delicious! I love how the hens cluck after Little Boy! :)

  8. In a chicken farm, they will as they are kept in all the time...unless they are free range? A hot house of chicken poo will be quite difficult to bear.

  9. Ting, Fry - Thanks for the tip. Might need to think twice for chick house then...

  10. OKC - You could stop by Sinfonia's too!

  11. Sinfonia - A hot house of chicken poo? Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

  12. That's big eggs! They look so fresh!

  13. with a bit of black sauce and pepper into the eggs -> Heaven! Oh... I can only imagine. ;(

  14. Wen-Ai: It was exactly as you described!! Delish!!
