
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Becoming A Great Cook

Quite by random, I have come across a way to become a great cook. Now... dear readers... who among you have slaved in the kitchen for hours, only to have a son, or a daughter, or a husband, or a niece, or a nephew wrinkle up the nose and say "Oh... codfish?" or "Hmmmm... a bit salty." or "Next time, can we have it well done and not medium rare? or "Mom, it's green." or (this one I hate), "There is something missing but I dunno what."?

If you have experienced these thinly veiled insults about your cooking from the nearest and dearest to you, then I have a solution for you that works so marvellously well that you can burn the toast and sugar the roast and pepper the chocolate cake... and your family will still wolf down your creations with lots a yum-yum-yums.

All ya gotta do is to feed your family raw food smoothies 5 times a week. These are delicious. You can use honeydew and pineapple. You can have banana and avocado. You can throw in whatever fruits you have at hand. Blend with a ground flax seed and toasted wheatgerm, and you have a nutritious meal that your kids hate and your husband eats because he knows it's good for his kidneys.

Then, when you make what they call Real Food, you suddenly become Nigella Lawson. Try it... and be the world's best cook in the eyes of those nearest and dearest to you.


  1. Yup! And I am now the world's best cook!

  2. hahahahahahahahahahahaha! i just wish my mom would share her kitchen with me!

  3. Very creative of you PetuniaLee...give them something they don't like so they'll love your cooking! I like it...I should have thought of it 45 years ago when I was trying to get son to eat things he didn't like.

  4. Fry - You gonna feed her Raw food?

  5. Theanne - And it works like a charm. It's so gratifying to see their enthusiasm at meal times. They've all taken to messaging ahead to ask what's for dinner. Hmmmm... I wonder why.

  6. That's it, make them grateful...LOL
    The other irritating thing is they also complain if the dish does not taste the same as last time...
