
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You Know You're Old When...

You know you're old when The Daughter borrows your clothes and looks better in them than you do.

The Daughter found a holiday job in an office. She was told to observe the dress code. This means, no jeans... no cargo pants... no slippers... no t-shirts. And so, The Daughter has nothing to wear and came raiding my wardrobe for stuff to tide her over the next 4 weeks.

She has never been easy to dress. At 9 months, she had formed her own notions on which rompers were more comfortable. On shopping trips she had been known to toddle off in another direction when she spied me coming towards her with a pretty dress. Much time was spent trying to catch her and making her stay still whilst I searched for nice and festive wear (that were somewhat uncomfortable). She would wear the purchase only ONCE at Chinese New Year and never again. She spent much of her childhood in shorts and 'A' line skirts because she could never well tolerate wearing dresses that were tighter at the waist. In essence, for her, clothes must be there but feel like they aren't.

Clothes are chosen for tactile properties, not visual. And favourite t-shirts are still worn for comfort even if they look tatty. The second time The Husband ever scolded her was to tell her "You dress in a way that makes people think I cannot afford to dress you!!"

So, yesterday night, I felt like I had hit jackpot as she paraded in front of me in the various dresses I had accumulated over the years, but had outgrown. It was like playing Barbie doll (with a sulky Barbie... but better than no Barbie at all). With much rolling of eyes and complaining about low-cut this and too fat that and not my style and trying on clothes is tiring, she and I managed to construct a work wardrobe to last one month at work. She did irritate me enough at one point though, that I humphed and declared that SHE was borrowing MY clothes and if she complained anymore, I ain't lending.

But well, with a mother's biased judgment, I must say that my baby looks really really really pretty!!


  1. Oh, sounds like fun! She must look so girly and nice in them! How I wish I have a daughter to share my clothes with! I've been giving mine away to my niece lately cos I no longer look good in them.

  2. Wow! I guess you both had good time together in selecting the best clothes!
    Dressing up a girl is very interesting rather than boy i guess.....

  3. Ting - Oh yes... After all these years of nagging, she finally looks like a girl now! Which just shows that nagging does not work! All we had to do was put her in JC with some males to bring forth the feminine side.

  4. Malar - it was actually quite stressful. Barbie dolls don't complain, this one does... But heh! The end result was worth it.

  5. Hi Petunia, it's fun to have a daughter to share your clothes with!

  6. J.C. - Yeah... I guess. It would be more fun if she were less sulky. Heh!
