
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Drive Me Back to Schooooool!!

Little Boy thought preschool a necessary evil. The only nice thing about going to school was the teat bottle of ice cold milk I prepared for him every time I drove to bring him home. He really enjoyed that teat bottle of ice cold milk. I would strap him into the baby chair and he would plug the teat in his mouth... and his eyes would half close, and he would be one contented kid for 10 minutes. After that, he would be docile and pleasant.

At first, I did it to see him smile and have him toddle towards me and that bottle of milk as fast as his tiny legs could manage. After a while, he grew to expect his daily treat.

One day, I left the silly bottle on the dining table instead.

I didn't dare to tell him until AFTER he was strapped into his baby chair. When I told him, he flailed his arms and kicked his legs and howled like wolf in pain. Much of what he said between sobs, howls and screeches... was incoherent except for the words "miiiiiiiilk" and the word "koooooool" (as in "school").

I drove home as fast as I could that day, busted every speed limit on every road because I wanted to get away from those animal howls. I screeched to a halt outside our house, left my little wolf in his car seat, and sprinted to get the teat bottle from the dining table.

I gave it to the little wolfling in the baby car seat. But you know, once a wolf transformation has taken place, changing back isn't as easy as a bottle of rather cold milk. Little Boy took the bottle and flung it all the way to the front of the car. It hit the windscreen and sprayed milk all over as it fell to the floor. And the wolfling howled some more...

- You drive back to Koooooooooooool! Drink milk ... Koooooooooool! Don't want drink milk heeeeeere! Koooooooooooool!

The little twit wanted me to drive back to his school because the pleasure was in drinking the milk on the way home!! That moment was sheer panic for me. I almost did drive him back to school with his milk but the thought of spending another 1 hour on the road busting speed limits of every kind didn't make sense...

Sense took over.

I unstrapped the little wolf and carried him howling and kicking to his bed. I left a bottle of milk near his bed, closed his door and went to the kitchen to peel potatoes. It took him close to 20 minutes to stop howling and to get started on his bottle of milk. And that was when I went in there to cuddle and talk to him. After that, I gave him a bubble bath and he became quite human again.

I also made sure that I never forgot the bottle of ice cold milk again.


  1. Oh.. the image of Little Boy in my head changed a little with this post.. heheheh..

  2. OKC - Yup! Little Boy was a very willful one. Thankfully, someone wise (my mom-in-law) told me that willfulness is a like a muscle. If you exercise it against you regularly it hardens. So, I spent the better part of Little Boy's toddlerhood avoiding conflict using all sorts of Sun Tzu strategies.

    He is still willful, but instead of channelling it against me, he uses it to discipline himself to good behavior, self-control and studies.

    Mom-in-laws are helpful... sometimes...

  3. Fry - Yeah! Who said stay-at-home moms have boring lives eh?

  4. And dis ees de little horror that will grow up to be a hunk like Terence Cao?

    Oh, I admire your self-control! And patience. Perhaps tt's why all yr plants grow and mine die!

  5. ?That's really panicking moment. If i were you, i might have drove back all the way to the school in panic! I get panic alot when comes to deal with my son! phew!!!

  6. Auntie Lucia - Yup! Dis ees! He's much nicer now though.

  7. Malar - The feeling of panic... man! I know it too well!!
