
Friday, October 30, 2009

Hot Dog on Salad

Will you look at that carnage!!?? My gotu kola pot has been converted into Milo's strong box for leftover bones. He makes a mess burying his bone and he makes even more of a mess digging them up again. And we've all learnt not to look at him when he is hiding his calcium treasures... because if he catches on that we've caught on to his secret hide-out, he will promptly dig up his bone to make sure that it's still there.

And that makes twice the carnage. Here he is with a look that says "What can a dog do to get some privacy around here?"

I reckon that the other reason why he loves the gotu kola pots are that gotu kolas are soft and cool to lie upon when the sun is high and the day is hot. Of course, another way of staying staying cool on a hot day is to get the alpha bitch to put out an umbrella, and open the door so that someone's ferocious looking black snout can get some aircon.

Now, is anyone else getting the impression that I am raising a doggie wimp... or is it just me?


  1. i'm seeing the expression as, "you're gonna do more for me in future with your heart at my side!"


  2. Yeah... he could've meant that too.

  3. Ooohh myyy! He lies on your beautiful (beloved) bed of gotu kola!

  4. Yeah... I know! Silly dog! How am I gonna keep my complexion fine now that he's using my gotu kola as a bed! Hmmmmmph!

  5. hey pet an idea for you, since he likes your gota kola so much give him that one, and grow a new pot for yourself. maybe that can keep him away from your plants.

  6. Yup! The pots left behind are his now... I buy gotu kola from the market instead.
