
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eggs Give More Than Chicks

We've lovely purple periwinkles in our garden. I collected seeds and germinated them in egg pots for a group of The Daughter's friends. They're growing so beautifully I rather think they might flower in the eggpots!!

I started many pots of chamomiles too. These are for NewToGardening, my blog reader and a wonderfully intelligent lady with a very warm heart.

These are for SS and I hope that with these 2 dandelion seedlings, I will earn the right to eat more of her cooking!!

Here are NewToGardening's lavender seedlings. I planted many, but only 2 germinated.


  1. Oh so cute! Only someone with your patience and delicate fingers can manage to do this!

  2. Oh... so delicate.. and pretty... and hey... thanks for remembering about these seedlings... :) I can't wait to grow them!

  3. *melt* *melt* *melt* *melt*

    such handiwork!

  4. They are so cute and pretty...what a great and creative gift idea!

  5. Ting - some of those chamomiles are for you. I'm determined that you shall successfully have a pot of 'em to make into tea. I'll look after them till they flower and then you can have them.

  6. Leah - Yup! The Daughter is quite creative. Would you like a chamomile too?

  7. Fry - They're all food you know (except for the periwinkle).

  8. hehehe.....i guess we do share some lines of thoughts. *WIDE GRIN*

  9. Petunia - Oh, you haven't given up on me? :-)

  10. Ting - Lady! I don't give up easy! Heh! But anyway, got plenty seeds, and you like plants. I give you when it flowers... you should be able to manage to cut and eat right? Heeeeee!

  11. Yes, I love the eating part the most.!

  12. Gonna to save my egg shells from now on. Do the shells need draining holes at the bottom? Thanks.

  13. A lovely idea to germinate seedlings in egg shells!
