
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dog Stress

The children want a dog. I promised them ever since they were eggs growing into embryos that we would get us a dog if we ever moved into a house. Since I had not had the intention to ever move into a house, it seemed like a promise I would never have to keep. Nonetheless, the children remember this promise and hold on to the hope of this promise from the time they were foetuses. I cannot... I cannot... I cannot... NOT get a dog.

The Daughter is already 16... but her eyes still shine brightly at the thought of a family dog. Little Boy has already gone to the library and borrowed picture books that pontificate knowledgeably on how one should choose a dog. Every other day, he passes by my work table and drops one nugget of advice. Today, he said "Mom, when you bring a puppy home for the first time, drive carefully. Puppies may not be used to bumpy car rides."

Then, when I log onto Blur Ting's blog for what I expected would be a relaxing series of more photos of France and Italy, I come face to face with a dog lover (maniac?) intent on taking Rusty on a Rusti Run. Whoa! What's with the world? Going to the dogs?

But I have this sense of deep apprehension. It is more than likely that the dog will end up getting attached to ME... and I will have yet another little one following my every move and clamouring for my attention. Worse, I have no idea how to bring up dogs. How to teach it what I want? What's reasonable behavior to expect of a dog?

So many unknowns. I share these fears with my son and he determinedly brings back yet more dog books for my reference. Clearly, it wouldn't do to change our plans to suit me, I will need to change me to suit our plans.


  1. Kids, they NEVER forget we we promise them!

    Anyway, don't worry too much about it. Once you have a dog, you would know how to take care of it. They're mostly active and demand more attention as puppies but once they're older (and they do grow up real quick), all they do is sleep. If you have a yard, you don't really have to worry so much about the walks.

    Other than that, your life will still be normal. You can go on your holidays etc. The dog won't miss you too much. More likely it's the other way round. Whatever it is, I am sure your life will be better once the dog joins your household.

  2. Thanks Blur Ting for the comforting words. I'm slowly getting used to the idea.
