
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Drowning Bird

There was a hullabaloo and a great deal of splashing from the garden. The little bird was trying its hardest to get out of the pail. It was a good thing I got there in time. In a while, the feathers would get soaked through and I think the bird would have drowned.


  1. Hi Petunia, this has nothing to do with your post but wanted to tell you that I've only just found out that Young Parents mentioned both our books in the Feb issue :) Just in case you weren't aware!

  2. Poor bird! Luckily you manage to save it! ;)

  3. monlim - Thanks for the heads-up! Yeaaaah... I knew but I was sooooo busy that I had no time to go buy a copy. Now I gotta see if I can buy back copies. Any idea?

  4. I didn't know either, until I asked Young Parents, by which time it was no longer on sale at the newsstands. But YP was super nice and sent me a complimentary copy. Why don't you try asking them?
