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Monday, May 3, 2021

Anti-Ageing Supplements: NMN, Resveratrol, TMG

After watching Dr. David Sinclair's google talk HERE, on Why We Age, and Why We Don't Have to, I could not wait to get started on the supplements that Dr. Sinclair himself is taking:

- NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide)

- resveratrol

Initial Results
We quickly ordered online and began to take 900mg a day each of NMN, and 2000 mg of resveratrol. At first, we felt greater energy and faster exercise recovery. After every bout of strenuous exercise, we both needed 2 or 3 days of recovery time. With these supplements, we recovered overnight. We also began to lose weight even though we were not eating less, nor exercising more.


What Dr. David Sinclair Says
Dr. David Sinclair says that NMN is converted to NAD+ for cell metabolism (and mitochondrial function). Mitochondria convert the energy of food molecules into ATP that powers most cell functions. As we age, we have lesser NAD+. NMN serves to replenish these dropping levels of NAD+, allowing cells increased energy to stay healthy, and reproduce properly.

Side Effects
After the first burst of increased energy, our continued use of high doses of NMN and resveratrol lead to some side effects. The Husband started to get heart palpitations and he could not sleep. I developed a rash on my hip, extreme fatigue, and a craving for beef.

So, I proceeded to research a little more.

NAD+ Enhances DNA Methylation (Requiring Methyls)
In simple terms, NAD+ helps DNA repair. To do so, NAD+ draws methyls from the body's methyl group pool. I experienced a craving for red meat because my methyl group pool was depleted. Red meat contains methionine, which is a methyl group donor. I resolved my craving for red meat by adding TMG (trimethylglycine) to my supplement stack.

Too High a Dose
However, I had not resolved my rash nor my extreme fatigue. Further reading into this domain, I discovered that NAD+ metabolises into nicotinamide. This nicotinamide is recycled via NAMPT pathways back into NMN and then, back into NAD+.

Whatever is not recycled, circulates in the body and causes body inflammation. This was why I felt tired and had a rash. 

900 mg of NMN was giving rise to too much nicotinamide in my body. I dropped my dosage to 300 mg 3 times a week, along with 1000mg of resveratrol and 500 mg of TMG.

The Effects of Senescent Cells
Cells can only sub-divide a certain number of times. When cells can no longer divide because they are too old, they become senescent. Older people like me have more senescent cells. These senescent cells send out chemical signals that cause inflammation.

NAD+ turbo charges all cells. The young and healthy ones will work harder. The senescent cells will also work harder at sending out signals that cause inflammation. These inflammatory signals can also cause cancer. So, if you are predisposed to cancer, NMN supplements may not be good for you.

It makes sense to remove senescent cells from the body. One way to do this is to go into starvation mode. When your body is denied food, it will scour its system for senescent cells and eat them up to produce energy.

Physical exercise also removes senescent cells.

Eating foods rich in quercetin and fisetin also will remove senescent cells.

Finding My Own Equilibrium
The Husband and I take gotu kola daily. This herb is rich in quercetin. We eat lots of fisetin containing fruits too: mangoes, apples, kiwis, tomatoes, onions. Less research has been done into fruits like guava, mangosteen and jackfruit. I am hoping these fruits have quercetin &/or fisetin too.

Even before taking NMN as a supplement, I had successfully reversed my own ageing by simply:
- exercising a lot
- fasting a lot

It turns out that it is not necessary to take NMN as a supplement to get higher levels of NAD+. Exercise and fasting will do that too. This is because exercise and fasting take out the senescent cells. These senescent cells produce a chemical called CH38, which breaks down NAD+. So, by managing downwards the numbers of senescent cells, we can actually push up our levels of NAD+ naturally.

I am still stuck with many bottles of NMN, TMG and resveratrol. I intend to continue taking these supplements but at vastly reduced doses. Then, I will focus on daily exercise and intermittent fasting to manage down the numbers of my senescent cells.

I wrote about Autophagy and Senescent Cells HERE.

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