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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Mangosteen Pericarp


I had previously thought it an old wives' tale to have to eat durians and mangosteens together. Practical experience has taught me otherwise. Having greedily stuffed myself with 5 seeds of durians, I woke up the day after with a splitting headache, and hives. Desperate for a solution when herbal teas did not really help, I ate a whole bag of mangosteens.

The headache went away.

I googled mangosteens and discovered that mangosteen pericarp is a thing. People desiccate the pericarp, smash it into powder, and eat it as medicine.

Durian seems to do something that dilates my blood vessels. I get low blood pressure. The dilated blood vessels and arteries press into my brain and it hurts, oh boy it hurts. It is the same thing when the weather turns too hot. To cool down, my blood vessels and arteries dilate. Then, the headaches come.

Now that I know it is a thing. I am stocking up on mangosteen pericarp. I dehydrate it and store it in the freezer. Then, I pound it into smithereens and make a tea. Most people will find the tea bitter and bad tasting. I actually quite like the bitter and dry taste profile. What serendipity to find a natural remedy for hot weather migraine!

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