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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Foraging (In Other People's Gardens)

The good thing about having too much sweet potato leaves is that I can now wander over to the neighbours' gardens and nicely request a leaf or 2 of the herbs they grow but I do not. I supply them with laksa leaves, vegetable compost leachate, sweet potato leaves, kangkong and bayam. I get from them limau purut, mint, and ulam raja.

The thing is, the plants have their moments of glory. It is best to harvest them at the height of their glory. So today, the neighbour told me that her ulam raja was ripe for harvest. I had not meant to make nasi ulam but when you have a big bunch of ulam raja, it is silly not to make nasi ulam. However, I had already done my marketing in the morning and did not want to go back to the wet market.

I found sand ginger, turmeric, lemon grass, laksa leaves in my own garden. I asked this or that neighbour's permission to get mint, kedongdong leaves, and limau purut from their plants in the community garden. VoilĂ ! I was able to put together a fragrant nasi ulam.

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