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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Mommy! Look At Me!

I am ashamed to say that I don't always notice Milo, our dog. I am naturally dreamy anyway, and tend to walk around focusing on thoughts in my own head. With my earphones on and music in my ears, I am even MORE unaware of my surroundings. I already have trouble noticing people at my eye level when I am walking around, what more a dog who is only as tall as my knee.

This morning, I rushed around trying some new steps in making tauhuey. I wanted softer and silkier tauhuey and decided to tweak ieatishootipost's recipe a little. If I make good tauhuey, it not only saves me money, it also saves me a daily trip to Chong Pang Food Centre!

With my head full of ideas and my mind focused on getting the steps right, I rushed hither and thither. Milo followed me around for a good 15 minutes. He touched his nose to my thigh. He touched his nose to my hand. He touched his nose to my calf. Each time he did so, his limpid golden eyes stared up at me beseechingly, "Mommy! Look at me! At least say 'hello'"

But, I was busy, distracted and preoccupied.

In the end, M said quietly, "Ma'am, make him a 'hello'. He has waited so long and followed you everywhere."

I looked down and my Milo was smiling a 'Good morning!' at me, his eyes pleading for just one look and my  ackowledgment. Oh... I am a naughty Mommy! I had ignored my poor dog! I looked at him, scratched the back of his ears and said, "Hello!"

That was enough. All he wanted was one look from me. Aiyo! When Milo dies (he is 10 years old already), I think my heart will break.

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